Wednesday 30 September 2009

Jargonbreaker: Maple bond

Bonds denominated in different currencies by different issuers in different countries have probably some of the most politically-incorrect nicknames. Below is the 'official' list according to Wikipedia, in addition to some suggestions that were thrown around in the office today. Further suggestions are welcome.
NameCurrencyIssuerTarget marketAlternative suggestions
Eurodollar bondUSDNon-US entityOutside US-
Yankee bondUSDNon-US entityUS market-
Kangaroo bondAUDNon-Aus. entityAust. market-
Maple bondCADNon-Cad. entityCanadian marketHockey bond, beaver bond
Samurai bondJPYNon-Jpn. entityJpn. market-
Shogun bondNon-JPYNon-Jpn. entityJpn. market-
Bulldog bondGBPNon-UK entityUK marketFootball bond, Tea bond
Matrioshka bondRUSNon-RUS entityRussian marketMobster bond, Putin bond
Arirang bondKORNon-Kor. entityKorean market-
Kimchi bondNon-KORNon-Kor. entityKorean market-
Formosa bondNon-TWDNon-Taiwan entityTaiwan market-
Panda bondCNYNon-China entityChinese marketFake bond
State of Israel bondMultipleState of Israel-Jew bond

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