Friday 25 December 2009

The Baader Meinhof Complex


I watched the Baader-Meinhof Complex on a whim today. It was a 2.5 hour movie that I kept hoping would never end, a voyeuristic ride into the madness and allure of anarchy and terrorism.

Anything Al Qaeda does now? The Baader-Meinhof Group did it in the 70s.

It was the last of attempted Western revolutions. Some say that youth today have the same anger, disappointment and fatal idealism that could once again lead to this kind of violent action. Perhaps it was finally recognized as a failed venture? It happened all over the world, at the same time: Weather Underground, Red Army in Japan, in Italy, the Black Panthers.

What stopped violent overthrow from succeeding then? Maybe there are lessons to be used today.
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Tuesday 1 December 2009

The End of the Decade

"It's the end of a decade, in another ten years time, who can say what we'll find, what lies waiting down the line..."

Everyone else is doing it so why can't we!!! While I refuse to do end-of-decade lists until say, the decade is actually over, it's time to compile honorable and dishonorable mentions in politics, economics, arts and media that have made this decade the clusterf**k that it was.
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