However with that said, it may be quite unfortunate that I’m the only male writer. I fear that these two ladies may gang up on me at any time. I wonder what Freud or Jung would say about those kinds of anxieties?
Regardless, it is certainly a pleasure to have the space or soapbox in which to blurt out one’s thoughts projecting them onto an unsuspecting public or at this point no public at all. While the whole experience can indeed be cathartic, it’s really stimulating when those of you out there confront, challenge, and combat – the 3 Cs of a passionate discussion or what the Americans out there may know as the tagline to a Maury Povich show.
In that light, I hope this blog will be a ‘thinkspace’ to elaborate on the incoherent mess in this world [or just the world in my head] whose meaning at times is lost in translation. But perhaps with the interaction of fellow writers and viewers, those overflowing ideas - contributing to additional intracranial pressure - could be released into rather neat and tidy categories or organized in columns, sections, and rows furthering your reading pleasure. Hopefully together we change an ordinary canvas into a truly transformative masterpiece – Ok, my modern form of idealism only goes so far…
But honestly, I’m looking to further promote discussion, eager to cut through the BS out there in order to get to the center of what we can call ‘truth’. While challenging the nature of truth can be a really demanding task, I hope those of you who respond have – at some point in your life – embarked on the journey to understanding your basic belief structure. Although difficult, it can be quite rewarding as we further understand on what foundation we choose to experience our lives and make assumptions about others.
With any luck, there’ll be some postmodernists out there willing to explore their views on re-writing the rules of their life while determining for themselves their own truth. Well that pretty much sums up in 30 words or less my ‘want-ad’ posted on Craigslist for a local prostitute. I’m sure Mark Sanford and Eliot Spitzer would be so proud – two people who understand far too well what losing integrity means.
As Eliot Spitzer’s call girl says “He’s not a crook”
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